Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Days 56, 57 & 58: Blanchetown

 The symbol for Blanchetown is a paddlesteeamer with a pelican over it. As you can see from the pictures above and below, we saw both here. Both photos were taken from inside Lock 1. Picture 1 by me, picture 2 by Dirk.
Below are some campers at the caravan park on the other side of the lock (where we spent the second night). They rented kayaks and were paddling around. Envy... these kayaks wouold be faster and easier to paddle than ours.

Yes, it is true... we have slowed down. The weather is cold, rainy, windy and paddling is hard. But we intend to start up again today. We reached Blanchetown yesterday and had to spend the night (which we did camped in the fenced off area of a houseboat mooring area)... another prohibited spot I suppose. We had to spend the night as we were too late to pass through the lock, Lock 1, after perusing the local sights. The is significant as Lock 1 is the final lock. In addition, we had to share the lock area with two paddlesteamers, the Marion from Mannum and the Oscar from Goolwa, both of which were stationed in Morgan while we were there. But the days of chasing paddlesteamers will soon come to a close... we hope to take only 1 more week to get to the end! Today is day 58 (we took yesterday off) and we will leave Blanchetown in about an hour, but have taken another hour at the internet cafe to search for flights and other such details we will have to work out at the end of the journey.

More to come soon.

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