Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 43: "Short Cuts"

Above is a postcard I stole from the internet of a place along the Murray called Devil's Elbow. Unfortunately, I was too frustrated when we passed this beautiful spot (the highlight of the day) to take a photo...

The day started out well enough. In the morning, we paddled to Lock 7, where we med the lockmaster Sid, a gentle-mannered aboriginal man with a deeply lined face and quiet demeaner. He was accompanied by Maggie, a 13-year old black and white chihuahua blend who was certainly happy to see us (as was Sid). Likely leading a lonely life as Lockmaster for Lock 7, he invited us for tea and a bikkie (spelling?).

We took our first "short cut" of the day after leaving Sid. Instead of continuing over the weir (which was out) and past the lock, Dirk decided it would be good to follow a channel of water streaming behind the lockmaster's dwelling. It was probably well intentioned as I am a little scared of going over the weirs... but it was a challenging paddled. On the way down the stream, the water was gushing over logs which we had to negotiate over and into a large swamp-like area. This area was filled with dead bushes one had to paddle around and was dotted with areas so shallow the kayak would get stuck and require pushing off with a paddle or actually getting out and moving the kayak over it.  I was starting to get frustrated as I could see no way out... and no gong back. Finally, Dirk found what he thought might be a way, tied my kayak to his and drug them both thtough a thicket while I trudged behind grumbling. We got through! Hooray... but it was the last of such "short cuts" for the day. Sigh.
By the time we had got through the last of them, I was frsutrated and started paddling hard... bypassing a NICE short cut which Dirk was able to take, l;eaving him waiting for me on the other side. It was after this that we passed devil's Elbow and the paddle steamers from the day ebfore who had decided to camp there for the night. I wonder how many more times we will see them as we are heading to the same goal... Renmark by April 1.

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