Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 44: South Australia

Well, if you were wondering, the paddle steamers DID pass us again. In the morning around 9 as we were breaking camp, we heard the rythmic thud thud thud of the paddlewheels turning.
After setting out, we paddled hard, as it was neccessary to travel the 44 km to Old Customs House before it closed. We did about 22 km by 11:30a,/ At about 3:00pm, we left New South Wales on our right... and slightly after, Victoria on our left, leaving us completely in South Australia! Mission Complete... almost. Now we have the new goal of Goolwa at the mouth of the river (or somewhere thereabouts).
A few kms later, we reached Old Customs House which used to be used... yes, seriously for customs between the Australian states. We met up with the paddlesteamers again here as they decided to dock for the night here. We only stopped for bread, water and... grogg (oh, and two eggs). We camped at about 6km after the shop. On this day, we ended up covering about 50 kms!

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