Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 49: Berri

With only about an hours paddle to Berri, we set off at about 9:00am. Berri is a small town famous for producing cordial and juice... but I saw no evidence of this on arrival... I was also lead to think it was bigger than it was as the pharmacist in Renmark had told me that the doctors that service Renmark are located in Berri... as is Renmark's radio station, 5RM (see former post "Houseboat Hopping").
I guess this stop was typical of many to be made in the near future... to a bakery for coffee and a snack, to the library for internet and then off to the grocers to get supplies for the next few days... and finally, fill up the water bottles at a tap somewhere.
As we arrived early, we were able to leave by 1:00pm and crossed through Lock 4 shortly after. I enjoyed this lock although I am sure it was less exciting for Dirk than the one the day before. The weir was still in, so we had to actually go through the lock like the very first one we encountered on this trip.
Dirk's Note: Dirk wanted me to mention his heroic actions. I asked which actions, and he told me of how he valiently fought off a pack of enraged kagaroos. I missed this incident or I surely would have already made note of it... but I suppose dealing with the same person day after day (that being me), is a kind of minor feat of heroism....

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