Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 46: Renmark

 Above is the "Settler" from the Remnark Club. Below, Dirk checking out the engine of the Settler.
 Below is me with Robyn, the lady who (along with her husband) owns the boat.

The night of Day 46, we camped on the river where it met with a largish creek. Easrly in the morning, Dirk set off in an empty kayak (we hadn't packed up) to explore a possible shortcut to Renmark. Unfortunately, it ended in a large pond and it was too difficult to know which way to go to meet the river again. However, on his way, a large red kangaroo jumped into the creek in front of him, got a little flustered, but made it's way to the other side. (I missed this as I was still slowly waking up by finishing off "The Lost Dog"- book my Australian author?).

Although we had only about 14 km to go to Renmark, we took a short mid-way where we encountered another kangaroo... slightly bedraggled looking, but with no fear of humans. It allowed me to walk right up as it went on eating from a bush.

We arrived in Renmark at about 11 and stopped on the grassy river bank to rest and look around. Shortly after, the paddlesteamers we have been trailing all week arrived as well. We then paddled on to Big4 caravan park.It was the most expensive camp we stayed at, but was really very nice. Later that day, when wandering around town, I ran into the ladies from the PaddleSteamer "Settler" in Target. They invited us for a drink on their boat later in the evening. We went after dinner in the Renmark Club (the boat was mored only steps away). It was lovely... The couple that owned the boat had built it mostly from scratch. They were travelling with 2 other couples and while we were there, people from other boats and the neighborhood dropped in.  It was a late night seeing as we are usually in the tents before 10:00pm. I like Renmark.

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