Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3: the Last Match (110km)

On this, the third day, I woke up with every muscle aching... not to mention the annoying itching coming from multiple swollen mosquito "kisses". Why do they love me so much? Anyway, I tried hard not to complain too much lest Dirk leave my by the wayside. Seems however, both of us were having a bad start as he got out the stove and matches for tea/coffee only to discover that we only had 2 matches in the box... and the first one didn't light.
Luckily, we ran into some campers... a group of guys from Melburne celebrating the 11th of their yearly boys' camping weekends along the Murray. One of them gave us a lighter.
We didn't travel as far this day as we were hoping to stay overnight in the campground of a town... access to Internet and a hot shower! We ended up at the river and paddled back upstream to a campground abut 500 meters from the bridge. As it turns out, the camping grounds were still about 3km from the town and there was a better caravan ground a fair bit closer... Live and learn! (Sorry, it is trite, but am under a time crunch and can't think of anything clever to say!)

Highlights: Saw 3 kangaroos by the river's edge.

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