Thursday, February 17, 2011

How long to Howlong? (aout 80km total)

This is to be a short post... as you can see, the second day was rainy!!! We awoke to a brief reprieve in the rain (which started in the night) and to the loud and persistant squaking of the cockatoos. They are pretty to look at , but not so nice to awaken to. They seem to do little all day but fly in great numbers from tree to tree "talking" to ach other. On this, the second day, we were continuously wet, but Dirk more so as he switched canoes with me. The orange canoe paddler sits in a constant puddle as water comes up from underneath (this is because of the way they are designed... don't worry, no leak). On this day, we got up early and paddle (with several breaks) as we knew there was a town coming up... unfortunately, it was fuirther than it looked on the map and at every corner we kept loking for a bridge which never appeared... well, almost never. At about 2:30, we finally found it. We hid the canoes in a mozzie-infested swamp under a bridge and hiked the 2km into town for some provisions. All in all, it was a good day - we covered about 47km!!

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