Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 5: Lake Mulwala (Sea of Dead Trees): 50 km today!

Started the day off with another kangaroo sighting! Gray ones this time. The most significant point of Day 5 is that we paddled nearly (or slightly over) 50km!!! I must be getting stronger... especially as the water nearing the entrance to Lake Mulwala was getting choppier and there were tons of waterskiiers everywhere. Although much of the river is a no-wake-zone (soil erosion), this portion is definately NOT. On this, the 5th day, I learned to turn my canoe so as not to be tipped over by large waves.

The most impressive thing about Day 5 was reaching the lake... it was bizarre and spooky as it was akind of underwater dead forest. I was so tired when we finally reached the lake that we pulled into the first place we could see fit for camping. We camped directly under a sign by the Water Governate admonishing us quietly. "No Camping".

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