Thursday, February 17, 2011

First day on the River (33km)

 The first day of the trip was magical. I stayed at the park with the canoes (kayaks) while Dirk returned the UTE (half-ton pick-up) to the Albury airport. We floated/paddled by weeping willows, gum trees (eucalyptus), ducks, cockatoos, crows... and cows; completely motionless cows which did little besides follow us with their eyes as we sailed past them... likely the weirdest thing they had seen in days.
We finally camped in a pasture at the side of the river. It appeared to be on the edge of a farm as 3 kids, 2 teens on horses and a kid on a dirt bike came by. The girl told us she'd let "Al" know we were camping. We cooked on our new camp over - green veggie curry and rice. All in all, not a bad first day. As there was already a pit, we could build a fire to keep mozzies away... We didn't start until about 1:30 in the afternoon, but managed about 33km down the river.

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