Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 17: Our first Lock on the Murray

For me, this was an exciting day. We arrived at Lock 26 at about lunchtime. We went to the kiosk for an expensive and less than healthy snack as we waited for 1pm - the proposed time for the manager of the lock to open it up and let us through.
Although Dirk had been through many (32 to be exact) locks on the Mississippi, this was my very first! I was excited. As we sat at the higher park of the river, the gates slowly opened and we paddled our way into a little enclosed pool. The man operating the lock, leaned over to chat as the water level slowly dropped. He told us that only about 60 boats go through the lock in a year. I guess our passing would be something of an event them. He also took our names so that if anyone should come looking for us, he could pass on the information that we had, in fact, made it through Lock 26.
After paddling past the lock, the rest of the day was hard. The currents werre strange and seemed to be pulli8ng us on many directions and while it could have just been an optical illusion (it most certainlymust have been), it seemed like we were paddling uphill for the rest of the day!

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