Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 34: Colignan & Nangiloc

Colignan and Nangiloc were such non-events almost to not be worthy of having a post named after them... instead, I could have called this post "Hot Cross Buns".

Colignan was to be like Weiman... no real entry from the river other than a rope line up a bank... but at the appropriate river marker, we saw... NOTHING! We decided to continue on.

Nangiloc was better. We pulled up, walked over to the road at a school and hitched a ride around the corner to the shop. We bought (as usual at these small stops) bread, bacon and beer. But the only water we could find was less than clean looking. It was from a tap at the side of a cricket club. But at last I could stick my head under it and wash my hair... much better than in the river where I have to worry about algae, bits of flating twigs and silt. Being able to wash my hair and eating the hot cross buns fom the Mildura guys we met the day before was really the highlight of the day. The hot cross buns were just like the ones I remember from childhood. We ate them with cream cheese and peanut butter and jam. We are wanting for very little in our travels down the river.

Now (when I wrote this in my journal) it is about 8:30pm and I am writing from inside my tent instead of by the fire... This would be because it suddenly began pouring, not to mention the thunder and lightening. The wind is so loud I can't even speak to Dirk in the next tent over. I hope my tent fly doesn't blow away!

PS. Note that the 2 towns we passed today are each otehr spelled backwards. I wonder which one was named first!

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