Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 25: Are you counting?

 Above: the Speewa ferry... Below: our colorful campsite of the night before.

On day 25, we started at the 1366 mark and paddled only about an hour when we passed a bridge.
"Bridge Number 10! Nyah Bridge" said Dirk.
"Huh? Are you counting?" I asked. It appears that yes, Dirk is counting bridges and Nyah was only the 10th one since we started paddling in Albury! After passing under the bridge, we stopped to eat a mid-morning snack of an apple... a snack we would normally eat while floating in the middle of the Murray. It was just nice to pull over at a boat ramp and get to sit on a park bench.
Unfortunately, the place we stopped later for lunch was less nice... in fact, it was nasty, mushy, mosquito-ridden and smelled of evil (this last was an impression not shared by Dirk). I had to point out how many bites I had received just while eating lunch, and Dirk replied, "What? Are you counting?" No. And it is a good thing I am not. I can't count that high!

After this nasty stop, we were surprised to find that if we had just waited a little longer... there was yet another small and charming town. Wood Wood! This town was situated at about 1342 (if you haven't noticed... the numbers get smaller the closer we get to the mouth of the river).  The lady at the shop was talkative, but unimpressed with the news (yes, I forgot to tell you) that we had seen a lone black llama (yes, a llama!!!) wandering around the river bank. Wood Wood was a nice stop with a general store, post office, caravan park and a brand spanking new boat ramp. None of this was noted on the map we had.

Finally, we camped on an "island" (not really so much of an island as a little big of land separated from the town of Tooleybuc (marker 1320) by a mushy wet bit. Yes... and yet another town. Before camping, we only ventured in to see what was available in the town: a bar (selling T-shirts emblazoned with "Where the f_ _ k is Tooleybuc?" Charming! It was an uncomfortable sleep for me. I mean, the "island" was so small, what was I to do if I had to pee? I could put too little distance between me and the tents.

Next town... Boundary Bend!

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