Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 29 & 30: Forest of Fangorn?

Day 29 was a difficult one, traveling through what appeared to be the forest from the Lord of the Rings... but dodging poisonous vipers. OK, it was not really so dramatic. Much of the forest we passed through was flooded, making it hard to find flat ground to set up camp on... but we finally found a good spot. It was so flat, in fact, that for both days, we pulled out Dirk's blue tarp (his groundsheet for the tent which he hasn't been using for anything but to keep things from sliding around inside the kayak) for me to use as a makeshift yoga map. It is easy to get stiff sitting in a kayak all day.

Day 30 was much like Day 29 except that we broke camp the fastest ever.... probably in only about 30 minutes. This was due to HUGE clouds of swarming mosquitoes. After setting off, we took a big short cut in order to reach Robinvale in 10, rather than 26 kms.

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