Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 27 & 28: to Boundary Bend

Unfortunately, I have nothing much to say about Day 27, other than I saw some cool cactii (correct plural?) They had interesting purple flowers on top... Dirk said that if you cut into them, you can eat them and they are somewhat pear-like. Too bad we didn't stop and pick some as I would have loved to try them... but I was (for some reason), not in such a good mood that day. I also forwent the taking of photos. Shame.

On the 28th day of our journey,  we reached Boundary Bend. It was a good day. We woke up, had tea and paddled to above-mentioned destination. We were welcomed on the boat ramp by a couple in a caravan (covered from a bus which had been used by Red Cross to take blood).  The couple (Jill and Jaap) offered us a "cuppa" and cake. Very civilized! I went inside to chat with Jill while Dirk had coffee at the nearby picnic table with Jaap. We were able to dry out our shorts as we talked of such things as caravan rallys and Jill's upcoming trip to Calgary. We exchanged addresses and she gave me a parting gift of a pair of earrings that she made.

After our visit, Dirk disposed of all the trash he had been collecting along the river (see above) to do his part in keeping Australia clean and we continued on to the "servo". There we bought the usual... bread and bacon and filled up the water containers at a nearby tap.

For me, the most notable part of the day was that we broke the 1000 mark! We camped at 1194... as we started at 2108, that means 1004kms paddled! (for Dirk, the noteworthy part was meeting 2 jetskiiers who were also making their way down the river).... More later. 

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