Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 31: Lock, Stock & an Empty Barrel

 Above is Lock 15. Below, the dog of the Water Works guy decides he wants to come along!
This was a momentous day... not because it happened to fall on St. Patrick's Day... and also not because we happened to cross our second lock - lock 15... In fact, that was a bit of a disaster (for me only). The water was so high, it was flowing over the top of the lock, so we couldn't cross by normal means.We stopped to ask the water works guy who takes care of the lock and he told us to go around the side.
There was a construction sit to the side of the lock where there was flooding into the trees. The water was running fast and as we passed, I hit the bottom.... I had to get out and walk the kayak like a dog... but the current kept carrying the kayak in directions I didn't want to go... It also carried away my paddle (which fortunately, Dirk retreived).
So if this was the case, WHY MOMENTOUS? Well, it was finally possible to say that we had passed the half-way mark! We camped at 1094, about 5 km past the halfway mark. This said, we didn't neglect to celbrate St. Patrick's Day. We had no barrels of whiskey... or any pints of green Kilkenny, but we did have one lone Guinness, which we shared.

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